Subject Re: [IBDI] About IBX and Firebird
Author Artur Anjos
I signed bellow (2 more penny's).

I think that this discussion is overhead now.


----- Original Message -----
From: "John Anderson" <john@...>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, April 15, 2002 3:28 PM
Subject: Re: [IBDI] About IBX and Firebird

> Just to add my 2 penny's worth....
> All software has bugs. The important point to me has always been how
> bugs can be discussed by the community and how quickly and accurately a
> produced.
> IBO has a history of openness about bugs. Jason and various other people
> readily admit to any problem that occurs with IBO and necessary fixes are
> supplied within days (if not hours). In over 2 years of using IBO I have
> encountered a situation where a bug in IBO has stopped me working.
> IBO is a large, sophisticated component suite, which is continually moving
> forward. It includes advanced components that require a different mindset
> to the traditional Delphi TDataset mentality. Many early problems I
> experienced with IBO were with getting to grips with this new mindse, but
> once I understood how these components worked (and consequently, how badly
> designed the BDE was for client server systems), I have never looked back.
> I regard the amount of bug reports and discussion on the IBO list to be a
> plus point in favour of IBO. As discussion is open, it gives me a clear
> sense of what's going on. I am guranteed that I'll never be meet with the
> "wall of silence" if I have problem, with IBO you get prompt and helpful
> answers.
> Regards,
> John Anderson
> Paradigm Software Ltd
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Ed Malloy" <edm@...>
> To: <>
> Sent: Monday, April 15, 2002 2:23 PM
> Subject: Re: [IBDI] About IBX and Firebird
> > David,
> >
> > It is my opinion, and appareently Jason agrees that the IBO have a
> of bugs. no one seems to dispute this. I don't think it is necessary to go
> back and document the many examples which appeared (and I bet probably
> still do appear) in the IBO news groups.
> >
> > I have ho problem Jason, nor with anyone who choses to use the IBO
> softward and I do believe that the bugs get fixed in due time.
> >
> > It is simply my opinion for me that I have had a much better experience
> with IBX. The have been easy to use, and rock-solid for me.
> >
> > I think that my experience is worth hearing.
> >
> > ed
> >
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