Subject Re: [IBDI] Re: New Name for IBConsole fork...
Author Brad Pepers
On Monday 15 April 2002 07:37, Paul Schmidt wrote:
> On 14 Apr 2002 at 0:21, mmenaz wrote:
> > I would prefer having community support Marathon open source project
> > instead. Don't waste efforts
> > in 34 half working projects, please. Marathon could be "our" powerful
> > tool, the Firebird programmer first choice. Thanks Marco Menardi
> I agree, we need to pick one or two projects, and concentrate our efforts
> into getting those projects working 100%, with the features in them that
> people want.

The problem with most of the tools available right now is that they are all
very Windows specific which is a pain for a database which is available for
more than just Windows. The cross platform options available are:

1. Java. I still find this very slow going and its often not installed on
Linux systems (and likely most other Unix systems) so it makes it a pain to
get Java based tools running. Largest range of platform though.

2. Kylix. I'm not sure if this is available for other Unix systems like
FreeBSD and I'm not sure if its available for the Mac. Also its not a common
programming language on any Unix/Linux system so you won't find a lot of
Linux programmers that know Kylix. But the Windows programmers would likely
be more at home with this.

3. Qt. This is available for pretty much any Unix system and also Windows
and Mac. There is a free version but I'm not sure what limitations it has.
>From what I understand the free version is available for Linux and Windows
and you can create free software with it but I don't think there is a free
Mac version.

4. Others? There are other gui toolkits available like wxWindows but I don't
have much experience with them to comment on what platforms they work on or
how complete they are.

Brad Pepers