Subject Re: [IBDI] Re: GPL
Author Artur Anjos

You wrote:

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ann W. Harrison" <aharrison@...>

> Do we really want a muddle of incompatible licenses? For me, no way!
> I want commercial developers like Lester to be comfortable using the
> database in their products.

And I get this from a Borlands newsgroup:

> So technically any product that uses FireBird must display the following
> acknowledgement "This product includes software developed by Borland
> Software Corp." as per the IPL in any advertisement of the product even if
> don't advertise that they are using FireBird, but they may not call it
> "InterBase" without Borland's permission. I highly doubt Borland will
give this
> permission personally

I don't want to use Interbase name, I want to use Firebird. What I really
don't know is if I have to put that acknowledgement on my software or not.
And if so, where to put it (it's ok to use small characters in the middle of
the documentation, for example?).


I don't understand the implications of mixing
> GPL, LGPL and Mozilla-style licenses and I've spent much of the past two
> years studying them and being tutored by intellectual property lawyers.
> If I were developing a program that I expected to sell, I'd use MSDE
> before I'd risk my future with a muddled license.
> Ann
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