Subject Re: [IBDI] Re: Just a marketing suggestion for FB1.0 CD
Author Artur Anjos
Can we please return to earth now?

We are talkink about a small toy.
We are not talking about FireBird's logo or Image.
We have been talking about something comic. To have fun with!
Please read the posts that we discuss this!

You can design a tank (with the guns) not making it sounds like anything
that you talked here - Walt Disney have done it a lot! Put Donald Duck or
Mickey Mouse inside a tank and you will see... You just need to put a flower
on it and reverse the all ideia of killing, etc, etc...

So, the specifications of the FireBird Sports-Tank Toy will be:

- Robust.
- Fast.
- Comic.

And it's just to be used inside the 'FireBird's Box to deliver to the
Client'. Something that the client could pick up and give it to their kids.
And, when the kid is playing around with it, the client will remember the
Best RDBMS in the market! And our tank will be a contribute to promote
FireBird without firing a single bullet.

"We Have Marketing"

----- Original Message -----
From: "mmenaz" <mmenaz@...>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2002 12:28 AM
Subject: [IBDI] Re: Just a marketing suggestion for FB1.0 CD

> --- In IBDI@y..., "Artur Anjos" <arsoft@n...> wrote:
> > Marco:
> >
> > But, resuming:
> >
> > What we need it's a combination of a Tank (Robust) with a Sports Car
> > That's the way to show that FireBird is Fast and Robust.
> You can have only difficoulties in transated concepts in cultural
dependent images :( (read Alan Cooper books They are GREAT
for program interface developement, belive me!)
> To draw a tank, you have to draw a gun too...
> A tank is:
> -damage
> -noise
> -fat and slow
> just the contrary of what Firebird is:
> -it helps you
> -it' works smootly and silently ;)
> -slim and compact (embeddable)
> YOU think tank=robust, but it's just your choise in your mind, and it's
your mind ;)
> You would better have a symbol that has nothing with conceptual, just to
he easely recognized and remembered.
> And about a sport car... well.. it's very far from a database engine, who
will easely associate with Firebird?
> And what can be better that the actual symbol of the name of Firebrid?
(the phoenix)
> I return to my first post: use the actual logo, just add some "value" for
"supporters", give them (us) the proud of having that image in our products
> Just my 2 cents
> Marco Meanrdi