Subject Re: Names of our lists/newsgroups
Author alex_vnru
--- In IBDI@y..., "Artur Anjos" <arsoft@n...> wrote:
> Can I read between the lines that you agree with the 'fb-' names?

Arthur, what is the reason for it? Amount of members of ib-support
list is 736 only. Amount of users of both incarnations of IB/FB is
much larger. Knowing that ib-support now is the only world-wide list
for both products, from this can be made conclusion that amount of FB
users is not very large for the time present. I must say that this
impression can be illusory, at least in Russia we have large FB
community, but my natives don't speak English well enough and prefers
national lists having small amount of "delegates" here. Neverthelles,
I think FB is interested in newcomers from IB, so commonness of IB and
FB should be accentuated in every way. Seeing multiple declarations
from TeamB "Interbase and Firebird are different products" it's clear
that Borland's wish is to estrange IB and FB as much as possible, to
avoid migration of users. I shall not be very surprised if stopping of
mers list is political decision - they should'nt like existence of
"neutral zones" where products can be compared.
We old FB followers are indifferent to name of the list and where
it is placed, but what about newcomers? Person who search Firebird,
will find and and links to appropriate newsgroups.
Person who search Interbase can find ib-support and to know more about
About Yahoo. I don't like to waste time to wait until all this
advertising pictures are loaded (I look list via NC), I don't
understand why it time to time loses post rights of members or shows
account instead name (as my now), I don't like that if I don't want to
lose half of messages, I should'nt look list via But
Yahoo, as far I understand, is well-known resource for American
continent and Western Europe, and if we want newcomers, we should use
resource of this kind. If more friendly and no more known resource
exists, I vote for it, if not - it's better to stay here. My 2 cents.
English is'nt my native too, so my apologies for awkward, perhaps
up to disfigure of sense, phrases.

Best regards, Alexander V.Nevsky.