Subject Certified Release of InterBase 6 - Change to Connections per User
Author Andrew McKelvie

I want to bring to the attention of the community, especially developers of
systems that use InterBase who like us are in the position of offering our
systems with either Firebird or InterBase as a back end.

We have been testing the certified release of InterBase 6 and discovered
that instead of allowing 4 connections per user license you now only get 1.
This has been confirmed by our Borland representative.

The questions that spring to mind are:

1) Were any of you aware of this change to the licensing, as we haven't been
told of the change?
2) Why haven't Borland reduced the cost of the license by 3/4 to compensate?
3) Is Firebird 1.0 for Win32 going to be ready soon?


Andrew McKelvie
The Solution Works