Subject Re: [IBDI] About IBDI
Author Damian Dowling
At 14:56 26/04/2001 , you wrote:
>Ahhh! Now we can make some progress! Well, the /
> combo should work nicely. ORG site will cover
>everything about development (current Firebird site) and COM site
>will cover everything about all commercial ventures around Firebird
>(IBPhoenix, tool / application / library vendors etc.) and marketing
>information for users (success stories, feature matrix, ten reasons
>why use Firebird etc.). As was said, the COM site could be quite
>So, what's need to be done ?
>1) Secure site hosting
>2) Secure domain and link it to server
>3) Basic content outline
>4) Layout design
>5) Make content (articles, collect links, graphics etc.)
>6) Set it up
>Personally, I'm not able to commit my time to any from that list in
>advance as I'm busy with other things. But I'm available for
>comments and will help with small things when constrains allow
>me to do so. Of course, I'll do my part at complementary
> (SourceForge) site.
>Best regards
>Pavel Cisar

I think the COM site and the ORG site should be the same and cover
everything commercial with marketing stuff and downloads of release bins
and docs, but the site should also not be too static as it is the changing
content of a site that keeps it alive.

For hosting i would suggest CWI Hosting, they provide a good package (with
DB and PHP) and i have used them before. Anybody get a better suggestion.

Basic content - how about:

1. What is Firebird
2. FAQs
3.1 Firebird Bins
3.2 Firebird Docs
3.3 Firebird Tools
4. Features
5. User Guides
6. Stories
7. Links
8. News (Planed features ,etc)
9. Feedback (Feature request, etc)

Anybody got any other suggestions.

As for the rest - that is for later.

Damian Dowling
IT Manager
Pallas Foods Ltd