Subject Re: [IBDI] Usage HOWTO
Author David Jencks

Which Firebird? (CS or SS?) which Redhat?

I think there may be 2 problems with rh7 based an the little I can remember
of my experience a couple of months ago:

1. RH7 ships with lots of wrong libraries, mostly glibc. I had to spend
several hours updating over the web.

2. I use SS, so I'm not too sure about this... I think CS expects to use
inetd, however rh7 uses xinetd, a much better solution, but it requires a
different way to start the processes... an interbase file in the xinetd
directory. I think there is a document on rh7 and firebird somewhere on
the web site, sorry I'm not sure where.

I suggest trying isql to connect. I think you have to type the full path
/opt/interbase/bin/isql since there seems to be something else called isql
on the path already.

Hope this is relevant.

David Jencks
On 2001.04.22 12:05:56 -0400 Chris Mulcahy wrote:
> Greetings:
> I am attempting to get Firebird up and running on a Redhat Linux machine.
> I have everything installed via RPM, but am unsure how to proceed. I
> have
> been unable to connect to it via a remote application using either
> bin/isql
> or via the Firebird IBConsole from a Windows machine.
> Is there a howto or some other documentation to help get things going?
> When I try to connect via IBConsole from a remote Windows machine, I get:
> Cannot attach to services manager
> Services functionality will be supported in a later version of the
> product
> I'm not even sure what the command line should be from the Linux box.
> Thanks for any help!
> Chris
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