Subject Re: [IBDI] Re: Comments on IBDI article I just posted...
Author Olivier Mascia
Hash: SHA1

> Perhaps we should do a poll to see how many people want Firebird and Borland
> to resolve their efforts into a single unified development effort.

I vote for the unification of the development effort. And as soon as possible.

I do not care wether Borland contributes much or not through its employees to the new developments of the source tree. I do not care wether the product is called InterBase or FireBird. But I am concerned that there are TWO code trees. Borland *must* give admin rights on the CVS tree to at least 2 or 3 well-known and devoted to the task people of the InterBase community outside Borland). Borland *must* work publicly in the open-sourced tree. The Community *must* work in the so-called Borland tree, be adult enough to forget the past issues (don't you say "let by-gones be by-gones" in usa ?), and work on code and share it. Borland *must* open-source the IB-6 documentation. You can't open-source a product while keeping in the refrigerator the documentation. Childish game.

I'm no guru, no evangelist, but have my eyes opened : the future of InterBase/FireBird depends on the unification. InterBase is already loosing users. I would not like the idea of being one of the last ones to abandon the ship. It's not yet sinking, it still can be 'repaired'. But time is certainly working against it.

Olivier Mascia, om@..., Senior Software Engineer
T.I.P. Group S.A.,, Director

- ----- Original Message -----
From: "Jason Wharton" <jwharton@...>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 1:43 AM
Subject: Re: [IBDI] Re: Comments on IBDI article I just posted...

> Ok folks, I think my point is more clear now.
> > > >
> Please let me know what you think.
> Let's keep discussion on this topic rolling as I think it is of imperative
> interest for our future.
> Perhaps we should do a poll to see how many people want Firebird and Borland
> to resolve their efforts into a single unified development effort.
> Also, let's bring fourth ideas on how people think this should be
> accomplished.
> Be as detailed as you like.
> Regards,
> Jason Wharton
> CPS - Mesa AZ

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