Subject RE: [IBDI] Character sets - for the IBDH database
Author Ann Harrison
At 04:16 PM 3/29/00 -0800, David Schnepper wrote:
>... That's how the translation database for InterBase messages
>& error text is set up. (Didn't know there was a database
>of InterBase translations??? Yet another project that was
>setup in engineering and never was funded for hiring translators.
>When I left we had about 75% of a Japanese translation & 50%
>each of French & German in the database - Many messages
>from the 3.x & 4.x timeframe, and no new 5.x or 6.x messages
>having any translations.).

My, the wonderful things one can learn by reading one's mail.
We'll find the remnants of that effort and try to get it set
up so the community can help us finish it.

Thanks Dave.

