Subject RE: [IBDI] Aliases (Re: Release version)
Author Leyne, Sean

For the most part I agree with your points, here is one item which needs
to be discussed.

2) You can place the ini file on some network drive and have everybody
point to it. Then by making a change to one centralized file all the
clients become aware of it. If you stick with a registry each client
to have the registry changed which is much bigger pain.

The whole idea of this file is to allow for the client to use the
aliasname instead of the db path/name. This feature is a IB Server
function and should not affect the client at all. Accordingly, the
clients would NEVER see or access this file directly.


-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Uckun [mailto:tim@...]
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 11:54 AM
Subject: RE: [IBDI] Aliases (Re: Release version)

At 10:56 AM 10/11/00 -0400, you wrote:
>No, _please_, no... not the registry...

When this discussion was first taking place I sent this email to the
in case you missed it here are my reasons for using a plain text file
instead of the registry. At the time I wrote this list I missed the most

obvious reason which is cross platform compatibility.

Just my $.02.

I prefer the txt/ini file scenario to a registry for the following

1) Text ini files can be commented. This really helps me out when there
are different options for some setting. Also you can include tips and
warnings in the configuration file.
2) You can place the ini file on some network drive and have everybody
point to it. Then by making a change to one centralized file all the
clients become aware of it. If you stick with a registry each client
to have the registry changed which is much bigger pain.
3) Text files can be easily backed up by standard backup utilities.
Registries need to be backed up special.
4) Text files can be manipulated by standard tools like perl, awk etc
these can be scripted to run from CRON jobs.
5) Its very easy to attach a text file when you are asking for support.
6) text files are very easy to grep and list when you want to do a quick
check on a setting.
7) You can make changes to a text file from a telnet/ssh session when
are managing systems remotely.
8) Text files can be manipulated vie CGI scripts so you can build web
ends to software.

I am sure there are many more reasons but these I find I use most often.

Tim Uckun
Due Diligence Inc. Americas Background
Investigation Expert.
If your company isn't doing background checks, maybe you haven't
the risks of a bad hire.

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