Subject RE: [IB-Architect] Re: SQL names for user and role
Author Helen Borrie
At 01:50 PM 25-04-01 -0700, you wrote:
>Let me reply to my reply!! HE HE
>After re-reading this I came to a startling
>conclusion. I *really* suck at explaining things.
>For those of you who could not make sense of this
>tirade, fear not, it is not your fault.
>And for those of you who trully offended by this
>garbage, feel free to hunt me down and smack me with a
>fish!! ;-)

Don't be too hard on yourself! There is a world shortage of wet fish.

This bit o' documentation is really screaming to be done. If you are happy with the standard rate of emolument, then you've got the job!

May I suggest connecting with Joseph Alba <jalba@...> (Firebird user doc coordinator) to let him know your plans? I'd like to have it for ReallyUseful and also to augment The Sum Of All Knowledge that is currently being amassed in the truck for the might also like to hook up with other documenters in Firebird-docs@....


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