Subject Re: [IB-Architect] providers rejects interbase for hosting
Author reed mideke
Dmitry Kuzmenko wrote:
> Hello, All!
> It was a good starting point for providers that InterBase is free and OpenSource.
> Also is good that FireBird have FreeBSD port, because there are almost all
> providers in Russia uses FreeBSD.
> But, bad news - providers rejects InterBase for hosting.
> The responce from one provider was the following:
> "We can't provide interbase-hosting for user's projects by the following
> reasons:
> 1. any user, logged in ISC4.GDB can connect to any database on the server
> and create unlimited count of user objects (tables, procedures, etc).
> 2. any user, logged in ISC4.GDB, can create unlimited number of databases.
> This uncontrolled behavior disallow us to use Interbase as a RDBMS server
> for hosting".
> Any comments?
I would say that your providers know what that are talking about,
and that a lot of work needs to be done before interbase/firebird
is suited for this kind of application. A deeper investigation
would almost certainly reveal evan more problems than the two
they mention. The only way this will be fixed will be someone
investing a lot of time in the code.

Reed Mideke
email: rfm(at) -If that fails: rfm(at)