Subject RE: [IB-Architect] ibsecure.exe / ibsecure don't work with non-default installation paths
Author Jeroen W. Pluimers (All I'M)
> You can give ibsecure explicit file names on the command file.
> Alternatively, you can use the -d <directory> switch on all
> platforms exception VMS.

Ann mentioned this to me. See a different message for a bug-report on that.

> It should have been able to find the install on Win 2000 by
> going to the registry for the install directory. Maybe we're
> not checking all of the possible registry keys. Here is
> where we're looking:
> static char *registries [] = {
> "SOFTWARE\\Interbase Corp\\Interbase\\CurrentVersion",
> "\\Bin\\ibserver.exe",
> "SOFTWARE\\Borland\\Interbase\\CurrentVersion",
> "\\Bin\\ibserver.exe",
> };

I think you should go one level deeper: The ServerDirectory string contains
the required information.

This is how it is on my machine (IB 5.6):

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\InterBase Corp\InterBase\CurrentVersion]
"RootDirectory"="E:\\Program Files\\InterBase Corp\\InterBase\\"
"ServerDirectory"="E:\\Program Files\\InterBase Corp\\InterBase\\bin\\"

> The -v (verbose) switch will tell you everywhere it looks.

Neither ibsecure.exe, nor ibsecure do react to the -v switch.

On W2K Server SP1:

E:\Program Files\InterBase Corp\InterBase\bin>i:ibsecure -v
This program is licensed from IBPhoenix, Inc. for use at
No insecure files were found

E:\Program Files\InterBase Corp\InterBase\bin>

On RedHat 6.1:

[root@cable bin]# /backup/ibsecure -v
This program is licensed from IBPhoenix, Inc. for use at
No insecure files were found
[root@cable bin]#

When do you guys want to go really public with this? Since I can access it
now from and from
(i.e. the nameservers seem to be up and running correctly).

Jeroen W. Pluimers
All Information Management