Subject Killing Interbase?
Author Jim Douglas
I have been asking around and have was told that someone made an offer to
buy Inprise last December which was voted down by the BOD and it makes me
wonder if the potential buyer may have been ORCL. If it was then it makes
sense as to why there may have been a plan to kill Interbase, I'm sure
Oracle would have loved to.

If it was Oracle we will never know because of a non-disclosure agreement
and if so, Inprise has there hands tied because they can't say anything.

As posted on, I just cannot believe Inprise they had a
plan to 'sunset' Interbase and ORCL's involvement is one way of making sense
of it. That combined with the fact that Inprise has embraced
open-standards, cross-platform strategy lead me to believe there was no
intention 'sunset' Interbase, it was the potential suitors.


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