Subject Re: Eventual home for IB source...
Author Pavel Cisar
"Corey Wangler" <cwangler@...> wrote in message
> One thing to keep in mind about where the main CVS
> tree is held is that we need people like Ann and Jim
> to give a guiding hand to the project.... their
> direction is essential to keeping the project on
> track, especially with respect to SQL standards.
> For InterBase development to thrive in a similar
> way to Linux, we need people with vision (IMHO,
> they're the NewCo people) for direction, just as
> Linux has Linus Torvalds.
> Personally, I'd like to have the NewCo people decide
> where and how the main source tree is hosted. I'm
> sure that their input into these matters will be heard
> in the near future.

You'll bet on it :o) But it'll take some time to have all in place. Firebird
Ashes and Firebird is only temporary solution for you all to proceed
independently to I... spider web.

> I'm hoping that Inprise will cooperate with NewCo
> in these regards, as I suspect most people in the
> InterBase community have a desire to have NewCo
> as a focal point for future development.

I hope so too, but it seems that I... wants to have all control in its own

Best regards
Pavel Cisar

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