Subject Re: [IB-Architect] Space usage with TCP/IP & Varchars
Author Markus Kemper
Would an agreed upon format for ideas/suggestions on this list
assist in this effort? Thus, if someone has an architectural idea,
they can format it into a well defined technical problem and
their possible solution ( the idea ). From that point a discussion
surrounding the problem's solution can begin to take place.


Dalton Calford wrote:
> Tension is not a bad thing.
> Some of the strongest relationships in the world are based around the
> fact that both parties have no fear of expressing themselves.
> We are developers. That means by definition, we sit alone for long
> periods, dealing with problems by ourselves. Loners one and all.
> Everyone on this list must understand that we all are very strong willed
> and stubborn on certain points. That is why, developers in general, are
> the hardest staff to employ or manage.
> It also means that at times, our social skills may be lacking.
> The thing is to make sure that, if our feelings are hurt, we state it vs
> just keeping quiet. We must also understand that if we hurt someone
> elses feelings, we need to clarify ourselves and apoligize - bad
> communication or reckless statements help no one.
> If we are to get interbase, the product, into a situation where we are
> to make some money from it, we all need to help one another.
> Open discussion is the best method of doing this, even if, some
> individuals, would prefer to shout it down. The best thing we can do
> is, ignore those individuals until they become more civil.
> I have seen many other projects fork because of one or two peoples
> actions.
> I have also seen the CVS changes of certain developers reversed simply
> on the principal that they do not play nice therefore their work is of
> no value.
> I hope I never have to read another email like Claudio's or like this
> one from Jason. This is the beggining of the building of the
> foundations of IB, if we are all not careful, then we will loose the
> very people who will make the product strong for all of us.
> just my 2c worth
> Dalton
> > Not everyone liked my thinking here and I met quite some opposition so
> > hopefully this time around we can discuss this more openly and get to a
> > consensus. I recall just dropping the thread to avoid more tension...
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