Subject Re: [IB-Architect] Space usage with TCP/IP & Varchars
Author Jason Chapman

Thanks for the reply, I've taken it to mean yes, but it can be fixed really


----- Original Message -----
From: Jim Starkey <jas@...>
To: <>; <>
Sent: 19/06/2000 5:24 PM
Subject: Re: [IB-Architect] Space usage with TCP/IP & Varchars

> At 11:26 AM 6/19/00 +0100, Jason Chapman wrote:
> >All,
> >
> >It would appear that when data in VARCHAR's are returned over the network
> >that they are fixed width, is this true?
> >
> >I.e. If I have a VARCHAR(1024) in a table with 'ABC' in one of the rows
> >the TCP/IP packet contains ABC and a whole load of nil's.
> >
> >I've posted this here as I believe it to be true (i.e. not support) and
> >it is, then it represents a major network traffic problem.
> >
> >Is it true? Am I missing something?
> >
> First, the historical perspective. The native InterBase API is
> based on BLR -- binary gook -- which contains, among other things,
> formal message declarations for data exchange between client and
> server. The remote interface/server pick up the message declarations
> to figure out what translations are required during transmission.
> When a remote interface and server first meet each other they have
> a preliminary chat about protocol, etc. The remote interface begins
> the conversation by identifying its hardware architecture and lists
> the protocol versions that it understands and how much it likes
> each one. The server takes ponders this data and picks a protocol
> to use. In addition to protocol version, there are two sub-protocols:
> heterogenous and homogenous. The hetergenous protocol is used when
> the client and server are different architectures and all data must
> be sent in network canonical form. The homogenous protocol blasts
> the message without translation. The basis for this design (long
> pre-internet) was that virtually all networking was on LANs with
> DMA network adaptors, that CPU cycles were a precious commodity
> not to be squandered lightly, and that because of blobs, VARCHARs
> were likely to be relatively short.
> Given this architecture and very long VARCHAR declarations compared
> with actual use, these design decisions meant that communication
> between a Sun and an HP/UX machine was faster than between two
> Suns or two HP/UXes.
> The world has changed since the original design. CPU cycles are
> cheap and networks (worst case) was much slower.
> It is probably time to either dump the homogenous protocol or to
> augment it with a field by field variation without translation to
> avoid network tranmission of unused tail bytes of a VARCHAR.
> Happily, the two phase connect protocol allows this to be done
> cleanly and invisibly.
> The lesson here, to be interpreted broadly, is that almost all
> design decisions were based on assumptions concerning the relative
> costs of various resources, and when those relationship change,
> designs need to be reconsidered. The real test of an architecture
> is not just how well it performs, but how well it responds to
> change.
> Jim Starkey
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