Subject Re: [IB-Architect] A few more suggestions
Author Paul Beach
Just a comment....

We do actually have scrollable cursors..... the work was done in the engine,
and sort of tested, it just wasn't turned on.....mainly due to time
constraints on delivering new versions of InterBase and the amount of QA
time this feature would take, and what effect it would have in terms of
breaking existing code.

Isn't the source code going to be exciting :-)


----- Original Message -----
From: Claudio Valderrama C. <cvalde@...>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2000 3:55 AM
Subject: RE: [IB-Architect] A few more suggestions

> Dave, I'm not Louis, of course, but I want to jump in your bandwagon.
> ;-)
> We all know IB doesn't have bidirectional cursors. In some complicated
> processing, I'm sometimes in the need to go back and forth in a result
> Probably several people would point that this must be done in the client
> not on the server. So, maybe it's just me that want to do as much as I can
> in the server... seems I have some "affinity" with Dalton here.
> Personally, I don't think bidirectional cursors should be a priority of a
> future release, but that several cursor FW/BW problems could be solved by
> allowing sprocs to create temporal tables. Probably temporal tables need
> some "privacity" in the sense other users (or other transactions... maybe
> too restrictive) cannot step in my ones.
> While some people claim for the ability of running arbitrary statements
> from a function like sp_executesql in SqlServer, I think this is a new
> security breach if not sandboxed properly. Maybe it's possible to allow
> some restricted set of DDL statements in sprocs, like creating temp
> setting generator values, deal with GRANT/REVOKE and lowering the priority
> of the thread serving the current procedure. While this may seem strange,
> think it's need to avoid one intensive SP hogging the CPU while
> users starve for lack of timely response.
> I won't follow here to avoid converting this list in IB-Priorities-2.
> C.
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: David Schnepper [mailto:dave@...]
> > Sent: Lunes 5 de Junio de 2000 11:59
> > To: ''
> > Subject: RE: [IB-Architect] A few more suggestions
> >
> >
> > re: Dynamic SQL from within an SP.
> >
> > I don't think that is asking for a "bit much" -- Oracle supports this.
> > head has been churning the last
> > few weeks about how this could be added within IB.
> >
> > Along the lines of "defining the problem" -- Louis, can you
> > define some DDL
> > operations that
> > you've wanted to do in a SP, but haven't been able to?
> >
> > Dave
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