Subject Re: [IB-Architect] SuperServer vs. Classic
Author Jason Chapman
I don't think that you will get any benefit out of classic if you are using
a sinlge processor machine.

I would just use superserver on both.


----- Original Message -----
From: Dominique Louis <dlouis@...>
To: <>
Sent: 01/mm/2000 7:45 PM
Subject: Re: [IB-Architect] SuperServer vs. Classic

> Jim Starkey wrote:
> > An argument can me made -- but I haven't convinced Charlie -- that
> > removing Classic will speed up SuperServer (algorithms are now chosen
> > that work well in both), and that speeding up SuperService is necessary
> > to kill off Classic. Chicken, egg.
> >
> > Thoughts?
> First if someone could answer a question. I am about to start a large
> project that will necesitate the need for Interbase on the server as well
> as locally. Basically the application has to be able to run 24x7 and if
> the server goes down the user must be able to use a local server until the
> main server comes up at which point they will continue using the main
> server as per normal. The applicaion is heavyily multimedia orientated. So
> it will move large files around the server as well as locally. I initially
> thought that it would be best to have IB classic on the local machine and
> obviously IB SS on the server, but If someone can convince me that SS will
> suit my needs for both occasions then I'm willing to let go of IB Classic.
> Ciao,