Subject RE: [IBO] How does IB Objects interact with FBClient.dll
Author Craig Cox

Thanks!  That was the piece pig the puzzle i was missing. 

On Feb 17, 2018 4:35 PM, "'Jason Wharton' supportlist@... [IBObjects]" <> wrote:

It looks in the immediate folder where the EXE is and then it allows it to be found on the search path.
You might be picking something up unexpectedly.
You can use a TIB_ClientLib component to take full explicit control of this.

From: [mailto:IBObjects@yahoogroups. com]
Sent: Saturday, February 17, 2018 8:11 AM
Subject: [IBO] How does IB Objects interact with FBClient.dll

I am having some odd behavior in a Delphi Berlin 10.1 app.  I have two databases that point to the same fbclient.dll.  I can interact with them in IB Expert withou any issues, but when my application starts, one of the databases opens, but the other throws a ODS Error.

Does IB Objects some how choose an FBClinet.dll to use that I don't know of?