Subject AssertionFailed

Hi Jason,

I'm seeing a new problem in my application when I want to save some changes with ApplyUpdates when CachedUpdates are enabled.

I get an AssertionFailed error in the file IB_components at line 36643 :

Assert( Assigned( BDataset.FCursorFetchPSQLDA ));

The error occurs in the the latest version as in the older version 5.9.9_2784.

I put a little video "capture 1" in the file section.

An another problem is the changes are saved : in my video, I try to click on the "Ok" button two times (ApplyUpdates() and close the window) and I get the error message ; then I try to click on the "Cancel" button (CancelUpdates() and close the window) : this one works but if I go back on the editing window, the changes are present.

I tried to track your code but I see to many FreeAndNilMem() for fee GetMem(). My forms contains one IBOTable and five IBOQuery...

Have you an idea of the problem ?

Best regards,
