Subject How to link a C++ application using IBO in Tokyo 10.2 (using "make" and command line tools, no IDE)?
Author Karl
I am trying to move an old C++ application which compiled under BCB 6
using IBO 4.
Now I try to use Tokyo 10.2 and the current version IBO 5.9.3 Build 2631.
I use "make" and the command line EXEs bcc32 and ilink32, no IDE.
ilink32 is called with the option (beside others):
However, ilink32 failed saying
Fatal: Datei 'IB_COMPONENTS.OBJ' kann nicht geƶffnet werden
which translates "fatal error: file 'IB_COMPONENTS.OBJ' cannot be
On the mentionend path, I find an IB_COMPONENTS.DCU but not a
IB_COMPONENTS.OBJ (in fact, I do not find such a file neither in
the whole IBO directory nor in the Tokyo 10.2 directory).

Thanks for any help.
- Karl