Subject RE: [IBO] Huge problems since updated from 4.8 to 5.9.x
Author IBO Support List

I understand your frustration and I apologize for taking so long to sort out and fix these problems.

I recently had to move my family to a new home due to a serious health condition of some of my family.


The problem with the Assert() is resolved and will be in the next official release of IBO.


I am currently working on the TIB_CtrlGrid performance issue and hope to have a fix for it as well.

I have a good test case that reproduces the problem so it is very likely I will figure it out and solve it.


Kind regards,

Jason Wharton



From: [mailto: ]
Sent: Friday, May 05, 2017 5:26 AM
Subject: [IBO] Huge problems since updated from 4.8 to 5.9.x


Since I wanted to migrate my applications from FB2.5 to FB3, I needed a new version of IBO. I upgraded from 4.8 to the latest version. Now I have huge problems.

First on is a big decrease in performance when using TIBCTRL_Grid. I allready sent a demo program, where this issue is fully reproducable to Jason weeks ago, but did not hear any news since than.

Now I discovered another, even bigger problem.

When I have a TIBO_Query and call Edit, it raises an assertion Exception. Debugging shows me that it is in the unit IB_Components at the method TIB_DataSet.SysUpdateOperation

in the line  with

Assert( (tmpCol as TIB_ColumnBlob).IsLoaded );


No idea why this raises that exception.

I am close to go back to IBO 4.8 and then try to replace IBObjects by IBDAC in my older programs that I have to keep in Delphi 2007. The newer ones are allready in Delphi 10.1 with IBDAC and they work fine with FB2.5 and FB3.0.


At the moment I am really disappointed with IBObjects and the support after having it used since the year 2000.