Subject Re: [IBO] Re: TIB_LookupCombo and 2 monitors - a repair
The code used when the TIB_LookupCombo (LC) drops down is in TIB_Grid.pas and is here:
      P := ClientOrigin; 
      LeftPos := P.X;
      case FPopupAlignment of
        puAuto: if ListWidth > ( Parent.ClientOrigin.X +
                                 Parent.ClientRect.Right - P.X ) then
                  LeftPos := Parent.ClientOrigin.X +
                             Parent.ClientRect.Right - ListWidth;
                  if LeftPos < 0 then LeftPos := 0;
        puRight: LeftPos := P.X - ListWidth + ClientWidth;
        puCentered: LeftPos := P.X - (( ListWidth - ClientWidth) div 2 );
        puParentLeft: LeftPos := Parent.ClientOrigin.X;
        puParentRight: LeftPos := Parent.ClientOrigin.X +
                                  Parent.ClientWidth - ListWidth;
        puParentCentered: LeftPos := Parent.ClientOrigin.X -
                                     (( ListWidth - Parent.ClientWidth) div 2 );

The case puLeft (for LC.popupAlignment) is done at leftPos := P.X. 
The problem when using two monitors is in case puAuto, and occurs in the line where LeftPos is compared to 0. Using one monitor only 0 is the left position of the screen. With two monitors The left position of the desktop is screen.desktopLeft. So replacing this line with 
if LeftPos < screem.desktopleft then LeftPos := screen.desktopLeft;
repairs the problem.