Subject IBO 4.9.12 - List index out of bounds


We're suffering with an intermittent error message at IBO 4.9.12:

List index out of bounds (1).

We're are using EurekaLog and follow bellow is the stack that it generated to us:

[0047306D] Classes.TList.Get
[0071A2BD] IB_Components.TIB_Row.SysApplyUpdates (Line 40985, "IB_Components.pas")
[0071A231] IB_Components.TIB_Row.EndUpdate (Line 40964, "IB_Components.pas")
[006E3603] IB_Components.TIB_Statement.CalculateFields (Line 21121, "IB_Components.pas")
[007025C6] IB_Components.TIB_BDataset.CalculateFields (Line 32333, "IB_Components.pas")

[022909A2] Observer.TObserver.updateValoresMonitorados (Line 41, "Observer.pas")

The funny fact is: most of the time it is running ok. In a mysteriously condition the exception is raised.

Does anyone know what is going on? 
