Subject | SQL Insert Error |
Author | John W. (Jack) Cane |
Post date | 2013-09-22T04:09:01Z |
After numerous successful inserts into FireBird using the same code and TIB_dSQL, FB just issued an error, apparently(?) unhappy with a float number, which was obtained by division of two integers. The query text reads as follows:
'Insert into Images(FileName, Color, Aspect, Genus, Species) Values(''L1161616-2.jpg'',''Red'',0.804753839969635,''Phragmipedium'',''longifolium hybrid Sorcerers Apprentice'') returning kImage'
Delphi runtime error message is:
"First chance exception class EIB_ISCError with message 'ISC ERROR CODE:35544321
"ISC ERROR MESSAGE: arithmetic exception, numeric overflow, or string truncation string right truncation"
All SQL data types are varchar except the third column (float).
If anyone can show me how to fix this, would be grateful.
from iMac