Subject Re: IB_memo saving problem
Author azsystemy
Why is there diference during storage data into database?
If I have data 'aaa'
by IB_Memo is stored 'aaa'
and directly assigmet is 'aaa'
The best is seen by IBExpet.

Thank You Jan

--- In, "azsystemy" <azsystemy@...> wrote:
> Hello All,
> I have this problem:
> Is defined column TEXT BLOB SUB_TYPE 1 SEGMENT SIZE 80 CHARACTER SET UTF8 (more bytes per char).
> For entering data I use two ways:
> 1/by IB_Memo user manualy fill 'aaa', and in dtb row come 'aaa'
> (problem grow when data are displayed by fastreports and nex export in *.pdf, showing by IB_Memo is OK)
> 2/by aplication, whitch insert some data
> qr.FieldByName('TEXTFAKTURACE').AsString:= 'aaa';
> into dtb come 'aaa' (thats ok)
> I try make other column TEXT1 BLOB SUB_TYPE 1 SEGMENT SIZE 80 CHARACTER SET WIN1250 (one byte per char) and there is not any problem.
> Do I anything wrong? Can You help me?
> Than You very much.
> Jan