Subject RE: [IBO] Re: "unknown ISC error 0" since update to Version 4.9.14 [Build 55]
Author IBO Support List
I have looked over this case and I added it to my regression test.
Please get the update I will be making, hopefully today, and let me know.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of patrick_marten
Sent: Saturday, March 16, 2013 1:33 AM
Subject: [IBO] Re: "unknown ISC error 0" since update to Version 4.9.14
[Build 55]

Jason, is there any news on this issue?

--- In, "patrick_marten" <patrick_marten@...>
> Hello,
> today I wanted to check out the version 4.9.14 [Build 55] and the first
thing I've tried after the installation fails with the following error:
> ---------------------------
> ISC ERROR CODE:335544569
> unknown ISC error 0
> ---------------------------
> It happens when I use an IB_Cursor for the following:
> with MyIBCursor do begin
> Close;
> GeneratorLinks.Clear;
> GeneratorLinks.Add(Format('ID=%s', [<SOME_GENERATOR_NAME>]));
> ReadOnly := False;
> RequestLive := True;
> SQL.Clear;
> SQL.Add('select ID, VALUE1');
> SQL.Add('from SOME_TABLE');
> SQL.Add('where (ID = :ID)');
> ParamByName('ID').AsInteger := <SOME_ID>;
> Open;
> Edit;
> FieldByName('VALUE1').AsInt64 := <SOME_INT64_VALUE>;
> Post;
> end;
> Calling "Post;" fails with the error mentioned above.
> Any ideas?
> Best regards,
> Patrick


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