Subject AV on Finalization under Windows8 64bit with IBO v4_9_14 TDataset XE3
Author malte.tuellmann

when my application is closing under Windows8 64bit an access violation occurred (see MadExcept below). Under Windows 7 64bit and XP no erorr arises.

How can i solve this?


operating system : Windows 8 x64 build 9200
system language : German
system up time : 23 hours 56 minutes
program up time : 20 seconds
processors : 8x Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3610QM CPU @ 2.30GHz
physical memory : 5105/8078 MB (free/total)
free disk space : (C:) 373,68 GB (D:) 318,46 GB
display mode : 1920x1080, 32 bit
process id : $39c
allocated memory : 243,83 MB
executable : mystarter.exe
current module : mysystem.dll
module date/time : 2013-01-18 09:15
version :
compiled with : Delphi XE3
madExcept version : 4.0.5
callstack crc : $10001ca6, $2b9447ae, $2b9447ae
exception number : 1
exception class : EAccessViolation
exception message : Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse 10001CA6 in Modul 'fbclient.dll'. Lesen von Adresse 00000000.

main thread ($1790):
10001ca6 +036 fbclient.dll
100206d3 +053 fbclient.dll isc_dsql_free_statement
04324be3 +08b mysystem.dll IB_Components 17522 +21 TIB_Connection.DeallocateStmtHandle
0432faa8 +04c mysystem.dll IB_Components 22660 +8 TIB_Statement.SysDeallocate
0432eb58 +030 mysystem.dll IB_Components 22284 +5 TIB_Statement.Unprepare
043a213f +01b mysystem.dll IBODataset 5619 +3 TIBODataset.Unprepare
043a08b8 +014 mysystem.dll IBODataset 4879 +2 TIBODataset.Destroy
04020197 +057 mysystem.dll System.Classes TComponent.DestroyComponents
0401fedb +01b mysystem.dll System.Classes TComponent.Destroy
04021e9a +066 mysystem.dll System.Classes TDataModule.Destroy
04020197 +057 mysystem.dll System.Classes TComponent.DestroyComponents
0401fedb +01b mysystem.dll System.Classes TComponent.Destroy
041774aa +08a mysystem.dll Vcl.Forms TApplication.Destroy
03ee9e04 +008 mysystem.dll System 23 +0 TObject.Free
041b19e5 +019 mysystem.dll Vcl.Controls DoneControls
041b364f +02b mysystem.dll Vcl.Controls Finalization
03eeb506 +03e mysystem.dll System 23 +0 FinalizeUnits
03f900b0 +054 mysystem.dll madExcept InterceptFinalizeUnits
03f900bf +007 mysystem.dll madExcept InterceptHalt0FinalizeUnits
03eeb9c9 +09d mysystem.dll System 23 +0 @Halt0
03ef17ba +046 mysystem.dll SysInit @InitLib
0591272f +00b mysystem.dll erpcargosystem 675 +0 initialization
771909c3 +100 ntdll.dll LdrShutdownProcess
771908a8 +05e ntdll.dll RtlExitUserProcess
766039f1 +00d KERNEL32.DLL ExitProcess
0040901e +10e mystarter.exe System 204 +0 @Halt0
76608541 +00c KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk