Subject Re: IBO 5 with Delphi 7...
Author Mikey
Hello Jason,

I understand you.
But a the delphi 7 users are still important. And It could be a small of market for IBO...

I hoppe you could do it :o)

Big thank you for your great IBO !!!

Best regards,

--- In, "IBO Support List" <supportlist@...> wrote:
> I hadn't but if there is enough interest I could fairly easily.
> I'm working on the installer now and that will likely tip it one way or
> another.
> But, I to get rather weary supporting so many versions of Delphi.
> At some point I definitely need to lighten the load on versions.
> Jason
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On Behalf
> Of Mikey
> Sent: 04 September 2012 06:34 AM
> To:
> Subject: [IBO] IBO 5 with Delphi 7...
> Hello Jason !
> Do you planned to make a version of IBO 5 for Delphi 7 ?
> It'll be great for lot's of users of your Great IBO !
> With Best Regards,
> Michel.