Subject Re: mouse cursor always animated buzzy dataset
Author ming
you right

i think the logic must done looping, after that showmodal

thanks in advance

--- In, "IBO Support List" <supportlist@...> wrote:
> Shouldn't you call ShowModal after the loop is completed and you have called
> EnableControls again?
> Jason
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On Behalf
> Of ming
> Sent: 30 May 2012 08:38 PM
> To:
> Subject: [IBO] mouse cursor always animated buzzy dataset
> {
> hi since i was update ibo 4.9.14 48 yesterday, i have a problem maybe
> all of you want to share about mouse cursor always buzzy, the scenario
> like
> below snipset program.
> the cursor affected from IB_Query1.DisableControls;
> because in looping in form2, i don't want the back form (mainform) moving
> row.
> unit1(form1) as mainform and unit2(form2), my enviroment delphi2010,win7
> x64, fb2.5
> regrads
> ming ming
> }
> unit Unit1;
> interface
> uses
> Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
> Dialogs, StdCtrls, Mask, IB_LocateEdit, IB_Components, IB_Access, Grids,
> IB_Grid;
> type
> TForm1 = class(TForm)
> IB_Connection1: TIB_Connection;
> IB_DataSource1: TIB_DataSource;
> IB_Query1: TIB_Query;
> IB_Grid1: TIB_Grid;
> Button3: TButton;
> procedure Button3Click(Sender: TObject);
> procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
> private
> { Private declarations }
> public
> { Public declarations }
> end;
> var
> Form1: TForm1;
> implementation
> uses Unit2;
> {$R *.dfm}
> procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject);
> begin
> IB_Query1.DisableControls;
> try
> IB_Query1.First;
> while not IB_Query1.Eof do
> begin
> form2.ListBox1.Items.Add( IB_Query1.Fields[0].AsString );
> IB_Query1.Next;
> end;
> form2.ShowModal;
> finally
> IB_Query1.EnableControls;
> end;
> end;
> procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
> begin
> IB_Connection1.Connect;
> IB_Query1.Open;
> end;
> end.
> ===========
> unit Unit2;
> interface
> uses
> Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
> Dialogs, StdCtrls;
> type
> TForm2 = class(TForm)
> ListBox1: TListBox;
> private
> { Private declarations }
> public
> { Public declarations }
> end;
> var
> Form2: TForm2;
> implementation
> {$R *.dfm}
> end.