Subject [IBO] Re: PK field that auto filled with wrong generator value
Author russellbelding
Hello Cipto

There are some details in your post I do not get. What is conIBO? I don't want to guess.

Other details could influence the problem. In your TIBOQuery named qrTbBeliD do you have Update SQL?

If tbBeliD.ID is the primary key for table tbBeliD then when qrtbBeliD records will never be null at the time they are loaded into your client program. The OnPostEvent will succeed in changing the ID
value only if this value is null. So the ID value will change by this event only if it has been edited from a value to null.

When your client adds a new record to table tbBeliD by entering a new record into qrtbBeliD and if the ID value is null then when this new record is posted the event fills the ID value from generator gentbBeliD. Is this what is happening? If so how are you determining that the ID value is wrong?

Maybe my comments will prompt some thought to you that leads to insight. (I don't get the full picture.)


--- In, "Cipto" <cipto.milis@...> wrote:
> Sorry for my bad English. That's not what I mean.
> I don't have any trigger on "tbBeliD" table. Yes, the d."id" is the primary
> key, and I will assign it's value from Delphi (OnBeforePost event of
> qrTbBeliD (TIBOQuery component)) with the same meaning code as you write
> from trigger:
> if qrTbBeliDid.IsNull then
> qrTbBeliDid.AsLargeInt:=conIBO.Gen_ID('"genTbBeliD"', 1);
> The question is when the program add a new record of qrTbBeliD, why the "id"
> field of qrTbBeliD always auto filled with "id" field from qrTbBeliM? There
> is no single code on my trigger or on OnNewRecord event of qrTbBeliD that
> assign that value. It's automatically filled by the TIBOQuery component and
> it's wrong.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: russellbelding
> To:
> Sent: Friday, May 04, 2012 3:14 PM
> Subject: [IBO] Re: PK field that auto filled with wrong generator value
> When you use event OnBeforePost the action is taken before the TIBO_NN
> object has data changes posted. Each time you change the table used and save
> the changes a post is done. So the field D.ID is changed each time the table
> changes.
> If D.ID is the primary key for your table and you want a unique key in this
> field each time you insert a record you could use a "before insert" trigger
> on the table.
> if (new.ID is null) then
> new.ID = gen_id(generatorname, 1);
> > > I also have a generator called "genTbBeliD".
> > >
> > > Now the problem is:
> > > Everytime I insert a new record on "tbBeliD" (just still in insert
> > > condition, before post) why the field d."id" is automatically filled
> > > with an integer value that I don't know where it come from??
> > >
> > > I'm not set any propoerty of TIBO_Query or TIBO_Database to
> > > automatically fill the "id" field from any generator, because I
> > > explicitly fill d."id" value onBeforePost of TIBO_Query with this
> > > statement:
> > > if qrTbBeliDid.IsNull then
> > > qrTbBeliDid.AsLargeInt:=conIBO.Gen_ID('"genTbBeliD"', 1);
> > >
> > > Any clue??
> > >
> > > TIA