Subject Calculated stringfield problem
Author ifitsx
w/DXE2/sp3, Win7 x64, IBO v4.9.14 36

Firebird v1.5.6.5026 with NO character set defined


I have an app that used IBO v4.2.Hd as it started out in D3, and then used that same IBO v4.2.Hd when I migrated it to D7.

Now migrating it to DXE2, with IBO v4.9.14 36.

With IBO v4.2.Hd, this works under D3, D7:

procedure Tdamd.tblHistEventACalcFields(DataSet: TDataSet);
DataSet['StartingText'] := DataSet['EditedText'];
end; // tblHistEventACalcFields

'StartingText' is a Calculated Stringfield, Size 36.

'EditedText' is ftBlob.

With IBO v4.2.Hd, I have been able to simply assign the blob field to the calculated stringfield, filling the stringfield with the first 36 characters of the blob.

Now, with DXE2 under IBO v4.9.14 36, the blob field loads ok into the DBMemo, but the direct assignment from the blobfield 'EditedText' to the stringfield 'StartingText' is mostly '?????????' with an occasional '4' or a '6'.

Typecasting String(DataSet['EditedText']) or AnsiString(DataSet['EditedText']) compiles ok but 'StartingText' is still mostly '?????????' .

Any suggestions will be appreciated.
