Subject | Re: CanClose := ib_transaction.CloseWithConfirm |
Author | beatty_complex_online |
Post date | 2012-12-07T10:14:16Z |
Sorry, forgot something.
you can see this behavior in the sample application Company.
you can see this behavior in the sample application Company.
--- In, "beatty_complex_online" <d.beatty@...> wrote:
> Hi,
> i'am using the CloseWithConfirm function to be sure, that all the changes made by the user get saved or canceled while a dataset is in dssEdit or dssInsert state, depanding on the users action in the dialog.
> If all datasets where allready postet, the dialog did not appear.
> Know i have updated my IBObjects to Version IBO4_9_14_b53.
> As soon as i edit and post a record the transaction state know remains in tsActivePending and the dialog appears evertime.
> I have tried some different setups with these properties:
> - TIB_query.RefreshAction
> - TIB_Query.CommitAction
> but that had now effects
> The autocommit is set to TRUE in the Transaction.