Subject Re: [IBO] what co-related component IBOSecurityService to retrieve fb users.
Author Thomas Steinmaurer
> Maybe its anoter IBOAdmin, In the past try this one :
> Dependences :
> IBObjects
> SynEdit
> ExcelExport
> JEDI Visual Component Library
> TPNGImage
> I will look this new one, are you have a link ?

Check out from SVN here:

With regards,
Thomas Steinmaurer

* Firebird Foundation Committee Member

* Upscene Productions - Database Tools for Developers

* My Blog

> 2011/8/31 Thomas Steinmaurer<ts@...>
>> **
>>> Ok.
>>> I wait for IBO5.
>>> In the past I try IBOAdmin but so many dependences to install, and some
>>> methods conflit with IBO Securty (default Interbase components).
>>> I can not burn my brain again :)
>> The last time I installed IBOAdmin available via SVN, it was rather
>> easy. Project groups are available.
>> And there shouldn't be any conflicts with the IBX components due to the
>> IBO prefix of the IBOAdmin components.
>> --
>> With regards,
>> Thomas Steinmaurer
>> Upscene Productions
>> Download LogManager Series, FB TraceManager today!
>> Continuous Database Monitoring Solutions supporting
>> Firebird, InterBase, Advantage Database, MS SQL Server
>> and NexusDB!
>>> FB devels written create/alter/drop user but forgot a list users (select
>> *
>>> from sysusers like), maybe in future.
>>> 2011/8/31 Support List<supportlist@...>
>>>> **
>>>>> I have a job that I need to convert Interbase componetns to IBObjects,
>>>>> but
>>>>> that function to retrieve all fb users I dont know co-related function.
>>>>> IBOSecurityService1.Active:=true;
>>>>> IBOSecurityService1.DisplayUsers;
>>>>> for n:=0 to (IBOSecurityService1.UserInfoCount-1) do
>>>>> begin
>>>>> sUserName:=IBOSecurityService1.UserInfo[n].UserName;
>>>>> Result.Add(sUsername);
>>>>> end;
>>>>> How can I list users (not connect users, but all users without gsec)
>>>> using
>>>>> IBObjects ?
>>>>> I can not find any co-related component in IBO.
>>>>> Any help will be welcome.
>>>> There is the IBOAdmin components that are on SourceForge.
>>>> Do a search for a link.
>>>> You could also get the beta of IBO 5.x that includes them.
>>>> Jason
>>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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> IB Objects - direct, complete, custom connectivity to Firebird or InterBase
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