Subject Re: [IBO] Connect to local DB on Win 7
Author Helen Borrie
At 06:20 AM 10/08/2011, Ed Dressel wrote:
>I am unable to connect to a local FB database on my Windows 7 machine. I can use a remote connection and it connects fine. For my local connection I get a "unavailable database" exception.
>I change the settings in firebird.conf to:
> IpcName = InterBaseIPI
>and this did not fix anything.
>What should I be looking at?

Release notes for v.1.5.6?

Quoting from P. 10:

For Users of Windows Vista, Server2008 and 7
• Connection to the Superserver service using the IPServer ("Windows local") protocol is not supported. It might be possible for certain users to use this protocol if fbserver.exe is running in the user's application space.
• On these platforms, the Explorer crashes when the Firebird 1.5 control panel applet is installed. This crash does NOT occur with Firebird 2.n, but attempts to backport the changes to Firebird 1.5 did not work.
Since V.1.5.5, the installer disables installation of the 1.5 applet if Windows > XP/Server2003 is detected as the host operating system. The service can still be controlled, like any other, through the Services administration applet.
If you intend to install v.1.5.6 manually from the zip kit, do not copy the Firebird control panel applet to the Windows/System32 folder.
