Subject Re: [IBO] IBO Mantis #0030
Author Salvatore Besso
hello Jason,

> > Anyway I have cleaned all my .dproj files removing the dcr references (I
> > have not used yours to not break my folder
> > structure and debug/release edition of packages).

> So you are maintaining your own packages?

well, not exactly. Whenever I install a new IBO release, I use WinMerge to see what are the differences among the new
and the existing packages (new or removed source files, includes, etc.) and I eventually make the necessary corrections
directly into the WinMerge editor, only to not break the aforementioned folder structure that I use, or to avoid to load
every new package into the Delphi IDE to setup the folders and to make debug/release packages every time.

> I would be glad to take a look at your modified structure for IBO 5.x.
> If it makes sense with the two you currently use, I will do the work
> for the other versions.

It's a pleasure! The folder structure that I have made is very simple but useful to keep all things in order and you can
see it in the image (IBO new folder structure.png). I try to explain at my best:

IB Objects:
Root folder, May contain some support files, like the batch
files that I use to compile
AddOn, Samples, Tutorials:
Your original folders
Contains the release notes and any other documents
Contains all help files
Debug Packages:
Contains debug packages for ALL versions
Contains release packages for ALL versions
Contains all the other source and related files (resources,
dcr, imp, int, pbl, etc.)
A structure that will get compiled dcu for every version. You
can see here folders for d11 and d15, but in a definitive
version there will be folders for every Delphi version.
lib\debug will get debug units, while lib will get release ones,
exactly like Delphi folder structure

A folder that contains compiler log files. Logs are routed here
by my batch files. Must be omitted (not necessary)
Original packages:
I keep here all packages in its original form. Must be omitted
(not necessary, packages are in other folders)

The packages must be modified in a very simple way to use this structure. We will use relative paths:

Debug packages:
Every source file must be prepended with "..\Source\", see
"Source files.png"

I have modified debug compiler options as visible in
"Debug compiler options.png". You can uncheck assertions
if you are not using them

In Directories options, you must use the relative paths shown
in "Debug directories.png"

Release packages:
Every source file must be prepended with "..\Source\", see
"Source files.png"

I have modified release compiler options as visible in
"Release compiler options.png". You can uncheck assertions
if you are not using them

In Directories options, you must use the relative paths shown
in "Release directories.png"

Destination of .bpl's and .dcp's:
These files will go into the folders specified in the Delphi options.

I hope that this could be useful for all and that will contribute to make things a bit more ordered :-)


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