Subject Re: Carriage returns in grid
Author Joe

Thanks, I think OnGetDisplayText is exactly what I need.

However, I'm not quite sure how to access the data that this event function points to with the ACol and ARow integer values. I could be missing it, but I don't see any methods or properties that accept integer values and return the text contained in the grid cells at those coordinates.

If I have to get the data from the dataset, how do I get a pointer to the column in the dataset referenced by a certain row and column integer value?


--- In, "Support List" <supportlist@...> wrote:
> > I recently switched a TIBOQuery and TDBGrid to a TIB_Query and TIB_Grid.
> > Using the old controls, if a string field contained a carriage return, it
> > was displayed in the grid field as 2 vertical bars. With the new
> > controls, only the first line is displayed.
> >
> > Example:
> >
> > With TIBOQuery and TDBGrid
> > ==========================
> > Markers||Black||4 Per Pack
> >
> > With TIB_Query and TIB_Grid
> > ==========================
> > Markers
> >
> > With the new components, I can only see the other 2 lines if I edit the
> > contents and scroll.
> >
> > What setting do I need to change in my TIB_Query or TIB_Grid to get it to
> > display all lines on a single line?
> I am not sure if I have any settings for this.
> What probably needs to happen is the painting routines need to do
> single-line painting instead of memo or multi-line painting.
> For the time being, you might try making use of the event to customize the
> display of text.
> You can replace the #13 and #10 characters with something else, like '#13'
> and '#10'. Then, you will need to decode them as such.
> OnGetDisplayText
> OnGetEditText
> OnSetEditText
> I could add a new option to DrawCellTextOptions to automate this to some
> extent. I'm open to suggestions if you think something would be helpful.
> Rather than do the work in your app, you might try doing it inside the IBO
> code and then submit it to me for acceptance.
> Thanks,
> Jason