Subject RE: [IBO] IBO 4.9.13 Beta 20 released
Author Support List

> Support List wrote:
> > I have put out another beta release.
> > Please see release notes for items fixed.
> Jason ... has this been tested on BCB6?

Yes, and it has the problem you mentioned.

> I've removed the websnap stuff since that is not available on 'bcb6pro'
> and
> everything compiles fine, but when I simply try and open a connection
> everything
> crashes. I though at first it might be the converted legacy programs, so
> I've
> dropped back to a simple new one with JUST a connection, and while I can
> change
> everything and open the edit function, the second I hit 'connect' -
> desktop :(
> Any ideas where to go now. It's been so many years since I did any heavy
> C++/pascal stuff which is not helping. And the production stuff is still
> on a
> very old version of IBO, but I'm getting little niggles nowadays with the
> legacy
> stuff into FB2.5 and I know it's about time I thought about upgrading ...
> although sticking with FB2.1 is probably the best way forward.

I don't know why, but this is a recent happening that started a round Beta
15 or so. I've been meaning to do some regression testing to pin this down.
It also happens with D5 and D6. It is something that is curable. I just need
to get after it and fix it.
