Subject Re: [IBO] Error with parameters
Author Estevão Giordani
TIB_Connection, sorry.

After update, I made the test with two different projects.
One works fine, but the other shows an access violation in any Form that uses TIB_Query.
Looking better, the project that has a TIB_Transaction assigned to
the TIB_Connection, works.

So, I made a simple test: A form with a TIB_Connection and a TIB_Query.
No problem opening a simple query like "select * from table".
But using parameters (select * from table when id = :pID), an access
violation occurs on:

query.Prepare; //or
query.ParamByName( 'pID' ).AsInteger := 10;

Just put a TIB_Transaction in the Form and assign to the
TIB_Connection to fix the problem.

>> Now, all is working fine
> You mean when you assign a TIB_Transaction?
Yes. Works only with TIB_Transaction assigned.


> Estevão,

>> After update to IBO (, a TIBO_Connection must have a
>> TIB_Transaction.

> TIBO_Connection?

> Please give a more accurate problem report.

>> Without this, every Query.Prepare or ParamByName causes an Access
>> Violation.
>> Don´t was like this before, am I right?

> You could be right.
> Perhaps the quick fix I did had an unexpected problem.

>> Now, all is working fine

> You mean when you assign a TIB_Transaction?

> Jason