Subject two transactions per one IB_Connection
Author Gerhard Knapp
what can i do, that i have only one transaction (that i created self)
on one IB_Connection (created dynamicly in a win32 service) ?

1. create session:

mySession:= TIB_Session.create(nil);
with mySession do begin
AllowDefaultTransaction:= false; //!!!!! a trying but not helped
AllowDefaultConnection:= false; //!!!!! a trying but not helped

2. create transaction:

myTransaction:= TIB_Transaction.create(mySession);
with myTransaction do begin
IB_Session:= mySession;
IB_Connection:= nil;
IB_Connection1:= nil;
IB_Connection2:= nil;
ServerAutoCommit:= false;
AutoCommit:= true;
LockWait:= false;
Isolation:= tiCommitted;

3. create connection:

myConnection:= TIB_Connection.Create(mySession);
with myConnection do begin
IB_Session:= mySession;
myTransaction.IB_Connection:= myConnection;
DefaultTransaction:= myTransaction;

if i test after myConnection.connect the transactioncount, then i
have 2 Transactions !!

best regards

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