Subject Need to justify upgrade IBObjects to management
Author rjacksontti
Hi All,

I'm currently using IBO 4.8.7 in BDS 2006 Ent a top FB 2.0.x DB.

I would like to upgrade to FB 2.1, which is free. I would also like to upgrade to the latest version of IBOjbects, but I do not need Delphi 2009/2010 support (uni-code support, etc).

I would love to upgrade to just to provide funds to Jason for his hard work, but its not my money, thus, the justification. We are a small shop and funds are tight and so is time.

Yes, I have read the release notes. But I would like feed back from the community - people who are using IBO 4.9.

So, what am I getting if I upgrade to latest version of IBO? Bug fixes, sure.

Are there inherent speed enhancements done to the base code? Asked another way, if all things are the same, is IBO 4.9 faster than IBO 4.8.7?

I haven't tested, but I assume my current version, IBO 4.8.7, supports FB 2.1.x, correct? Does IBO 4.9 provide "better," support for FB 2.1.x?

How about plug and play from IBO 4.8.7 - IBO 4.9?

I apologize for the long post, but any feedback will be greatly appreciated.
