Subject Re: [IBO] Reduce traffic over network
Author Jason Wharton

You can use the FetchWholeRows = false property in conjunction with the
OrderingItems and OrderingLinks properties to set this up such that IBO will
refine what records are brought to the client along the lines you are
looking for. This is called dataset refinement. It optimizes things based on
navigational commands such as First and Last as well as Locate() when search
criteria is the same as the OrderingLink columns being used.

Please search the archives on these various topics as much has already been
said about them.

If you run into any problems, give us the details and we can help.

Jason Wharton

----- Original Message -----
From: "Adrian Wreyford" <wreymed@...>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, May 03, 2010 4:41 AM
Subject: [IBO] Reduce traffic over network

> Hi, I know a lot has been said, but some pointers will be appreciated:
> I use a Firebird server in my bussiness.
> We have 12000 client records. These records contain the usual postal data,
> but also medical records, billing records, currently no images.
> I access the data using clients over a network.
> I developed frontend With D2010, and use IB_Queries to display the data
> and a navbar and update bar for browsing and editing the records.
> When the apllication is opened all is fine. Going to the last record, the
> Query posts a message that it is busy "Fetching Query Results : Row
> #NNNN",
> and all the Client records are iterated over the network, or at least it
> appears so, and eventually the last record displays.
> Can I somehow force this to happen on the server, and then for the server
> to only supply the record we are interested over the network
> The Client Query:
> RequestLive := True;
> AutoFetchAll := False;
> AutoFetchFirst:=True;
> RefreshAction:= raKeepRowNum
> When I edit this last record, then Post the changes I get the same
> message: Fetching Query Results : Row #NNNN and the NNNN increments until
> the current record.
> This takes quite a while over the network.
> I'ts not entirely so simple as there are many nested queries, to supply
> linked data.
> Perhaps I'm missing out on basics here!
> Thanks
> Adrian