Subject Stuck on a query..
Author Gordon Hamm
I know this isnt the right group, but Ive asked other places and am really in a bind.. Im desperate.

(select Sum(OHA.Amount) from Ord_Head OHA where
and (OHA.delivdate >= :startdateA)
and (OHA.Delivdate <=:EnddateA)
and OHA.void <> 'Y' As FirstSum,

(select Sum(OHB.Amount) from Ord_Head OHB where
and (OHB.delivdate >= :startdateB)
and (OHB.Delivdate <= :EnddateB)
and OHB.void <> 'Y'
As SecondSum

From Stores S,customers c
Where S.cust_rec_id=C.rec_id

This code works fine..
But I want to add this code to get a difference of the 2 amounts as percent of the difference ...

// I want a new column as Diff Amount
(( SecondSum - FirstSum ) / FirstSum) * 100 as DiffAmt

It complains that "FirstSum" and "SecondSum" are unknown..

This giving me the sales percent difference between the 2 subqueries.. I
need this becuase I need to sort the result set by percent difference..
This query is used to give Year to Year sales differences..

Is there some way of doing this?

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