Subject IBO for D2009: 'Password not stored correctly' problem - The Fix.
Author m. Th.
In fact both JumbleStringEx & UnJumbleString were broken and
incompatible with the previous versions. IOW, if one would open an older
.dfm (eg. from D2007) the things got screwed.

In order to fix it, one must go in IB_Utils.pas and do the following

1. Change in the following declarations the 'String' to 'AnsiString':

function JumbleStringEx( Value, KeyPhrase: AnsiString; Alg: integer ):
AnsiString; //mTh ~

{: See description of JumbleString function for details. }
function UnJumbleString( Value, KeyPhrase: AnsiString ): AnsiString; //mTh ~

2. In the 'implementation' section, we change the JumbleStringEx as follows:
(snipped the uninteresting parts. The changed lines are marked with //mTh ~)

function JumbleStringEx( Value, KeyPhrase: AnsiString; Alg: integer ):
AnsiString; //mTh ~
tmpStr: ansistring; //mTh ~
ii, jj: integer;
if Alg = 1 then begin
tmpStr := '';
jj := 1;
for ii := 1 to Length( Value ) do begin
tmpStr := tmpStr + AnsiChar( Ord(Value[ii]) XOR
Ord(KeyPhrase[jj]) ); //mTh ~
Inc( jj );
if jj > Length( KeyPhrase ) then
jj := 1;
// Convert the result to a string of hex for safer storage and
tmpStr := BinaryToHexText( PAnsiChar(tmpStr), Length(tmpStr) );
//mTh~ : PAnsiChar
Result := JumblePrefix_v01 + tmpStr;
end // Alg = 1

3. In the 'implementation' section, we change the UnJumbleString as follows:
(snipped the uninteresting parts. The changed lines are marked with //mTh ~)

function UnJumbleString( Value, KeyPhrase: AnsiString ): AnsiString; //mTh ~
tmpStr: AnsiString; //mTh~
ii, jj: integer;
if Length( Result ) > 0 then begin
tmpStr := StringOfChar( 'A', Length(Result) div 2 );
HexTextToBinary( Result, PAnsiChar(tmpStr), Length( tmpStr ) );
//mTh ~ (PAnsiChar)

4. Rebuild the packages. Beware at dependencies. A 'brute force'
technique is to try to rebuild twice if for the 1st time it doesn't work.

Tested with IBO 4.3.9 Beta & D2009 Upd3+4 applied. If someone has
problems, please drop a line.


m. Th.