Subject Re: [IBO] IBO for Delphi 2009
Author Jason Wharton
Yes, I am working on this, as well as I am having troubles with my
web-server of late. For some reason something has my dynamically loaded
run-time packages messed up. I have reverted to an older version of my
web-site for the time being.

Jason Wharton

----- Original Message -----
From: "Adrian Wreyford" <wreymed@...>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, May 01, 2009 1:54 AM
Subject: Re: [IBO] IBO for Delphi 2009

> So .. I think we should all just wait for the next Prerelease, so we can
> continue testing. The Alpha I have throws errors, and I have communicated
> these, so I cannot test until I get another release. Please let me know
> when I can.
> I purchased my D2009 last year, and to date it is just loaded on my PC
> (IBO core to all my apps). I would love to use it, as it resolves many
> Vista issues. Many of those on this list use Linux, and have never had to
> develop for Vista with all its inherent 'snags'. So I for one cannot wait
> for my working copy of IBO for D2009, and will be more than willing to
> continue testing and paying for it!
> Thanks JASON!! we know you are at it all the time, and that Unicode is no
> small task!
> I hope you didn't misunderstand my comment! I just wanted to point out to
> the TRUSTWARE guys, that there are people paying and ALSO helping with the
> testing!
> Regards
> Dr Adrian Wreyford