Subject Re: [IBO] IBO for Delphi 2009
Author Adrian Wreyford
So .. I think we should all just wait for the next Prerelease, so we can continue testing. The Alpha I have throws errors, and I have communicated these, so I cannot test until I get another release. Please let me know when I can.

I purchased my D2009 last year, and to date it is just loaded on my PC (IBO core to all my apps). I would love to use it, as it resolves many Vista issues. Many of those on this list use Linux, and have never had to develop for Vista with all its inherent 'snags'. So I for one cannot wait for my working copy of IBO for D2009, and will be more than willing to continue testing and paying for it!

Thanks JASON!! we know you are at it all the time, and that Unicode is no small task!
I hope you didn't misunderstand my comment! I just wanted to point out to the TRUSTWARE guys, that there are people paying and ALSO helping with the testing!


Dr Adrian Wreyford

----- Original Message -----
From: Jason Wharton
Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2009 9:23 PM
Subject: Re: [IBO] IBO for Delphi 2009


> Yes, sure. I didn't think _at_all_ in other way. In fact, we're old
> trustware users and we try, by helping Jason now when he needs, to 'pay'
> him as much as we can.
> No .. don't make assumptions. Some of us have been PAYING for this over
> many years, in fact renewing our IBO subscriptions on a yearly basis, with
> no new releases and we are also waiting!

Thank you for being such a faithful customer! You have represented what
Trustware is designed to accomplish.

It is gestures such as yours that truly turns up the heat under my tail, but
more important than that, it gives me a well of energy to draw from because
it does take a lot out of a person to work until 3am and 4am most days out
of the week to try and stay on top of things.

It hurts when I hear people talking like I am doing nothing when in fact
they just don't understand the massive amount of work it takes to continue
supporting the massive amounts of complexity that exists between Delphi 3
through Delphi 2009 and the C++ Builder versions, etc.

Jason Wharton

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