Subject Re: [IBO] IBO - IB_String vs AnsiString
Author m. Th.
Hans wrote:
> This line copied from the d2009 version of IBODastabase.pas:
> procedure SetText( const AValue: string ); override;


IBODatabase.pas? Perhaps I'm missing something?

TIBODatabase is declared in IBODataSet.pas.

The SetText there is:

1. Bounded to TIBOFloatField

2. The overriding version doesn't try to fix the Unicode issue

Here's the code:

procedure TIBOFloatField.SetText( const AValue: string );
if ThousandSeparator = ',' then
inherited SetText( strip_char( AValue, ',' ) )
if ThousandSeparator = '.' then
inherited SetText( strip_char( AValue, '.' ) )
inherited SetText( AValue );

Perhaps someone can clarify the things?