Subject Record not found when inserting by using TIWDBAdvWebGrid compent viaTIBOQuery
Author nols_smit

I have a very frustrating problem. I tested it with a one-table
database (FireBird v 1.5), using the TIBOQuery component v 4.8.7 and
the following IntraWeb components:
TIWDBNavigator from AtoZedSoftware and the TIWDBAdvWebGrid from

My table name is CODETYPE and the fields are:
ID of type Integer

I did the usual with the TIBOQuery component:
1) The SelectSQL is: Select * from CodeType order by ID
2) I then generated the "InsertSQL, DeleteSQL and UpdateSQL
3) I set the KeyLinks property to: CODETYPE.ID

I inserted two records by using a database manager (EMS's SQL Manager).

When using the IntraWeb Delphi program, I'm able to edit or delete a
record using the IWDBAdvWebGrid but when clicking on the "insert
button" of the TIWDBNavigator, I get the following error message:

EDatabaseError with IBOQuery1: Record not found.

Any suggestion to overcome it?


Nols Smit